A credit card is a good companion on trips abroad or when you go shopping at your local store or on the net. It is safer and more flexible than carrying around large amount of cash. At the same time many credit cards can be customized for your specific lifestyle.
By using a credit card instead of debit card, you can easily avoid unnecessary money loss. If you bring your credit card on trips abroad you will not have to expose your regular card for the risk of being stolen or exposed to fraud. This means that the traveling funds on your bank account is protected.
A credit card is often a safer choice. For instance, if your travel agency or airline goes bankrupt, you can be sure to get your money back, provided you have paid with your credit card. In case you order and pay for goods on the internet you are protected by the insurance added on your credit card.
Most credit cards include different card insurances. But it can be a good idea to call your credit card company and find out what insurances applies to your credit card.
It´s also possible to add extra card insurances customized for your specific lifestyle. There are several types of insurances that will help you in many different situations. If your luggage is lost, you can get money to buy new, if you cannot use your theater or concert tickets, you can get your money back, and if your plan is delayed you can receive compensation based how many hours you’ve got to wait.
Since the card insurance is supplemental, it is also possible to get payments from both home insurance and your card insurance. The most popular are also the most used: cancellation insurance, baggage delay and purchase protection. Do yourself a favor and check out what rules applies to your credit card.