Many people pay by credit card during their vacation. Entercard’s experts on fraud has gathered their best advice. Credit card is a safe payment method, but in order avoid any problems we recommend being more observant in certain situations.
Knowledge about how to prevent fraud is important to everybody in the financial business. This is something Entercard and our partners take seriously.
1. Rent a car
Entercard receives questions from customers about arrears from car renting companies every summer. Car rental companies can charge you if you have returned the car with a less than full tank, received tickets or similar. If you on the other hand have caused damaged to the car or stolen something from it, the rental company is obligated to obtain consent from you before they eventually charge your card.
Our security experts advice you to be attentive when buying insurances. They are often included in the price, but car rental companies sometimes tries to sell you additional insurance. If you sign the insurance, you have accepted it. In those cases, we cannot help you in a complaint.
Before you travel, we advise you to check if you are already covered by your travel insurance, or if it pays off to purchase a deductible assurance for rented cars through your credit card. Entercard offers a deductible assurance for car rentals for several of our cards.
2. Keep your receipts
Keep your receipts when paying by credit card abroad. You can compare the receipts with the invoice afterwards. If you rent a car, book a hotel or a cruise, we advise you to keep all correspondence with the seller. You will in that case have better chances in an eventual compliant case.
3. Vacation planner
Remember to use the vacation planner in your net bank if you are travelling abroad. By informing us about when and where you are going, you make sure that your cards functions properly.
4. Counterfeit goods
Unfortunately, there are disreputable salespeople that tries to offer you counterfeit goods. Always inspect the item carefully before you purchase it. A good rule of thumb is if something seems too good to be true, it usually is.
5. Do not hand over your card
Our experts strongly advice you never hand over your card when making a purchase. Rather tell the seller to get their card terminal. If this is not possible, join the seller to the terminal.
6. Declined purchase
We do everything we can to prevent misuse, and our security system monitors all transactions around the clock. If we suspect that a card is declined when making a purchase, our security team will contact you by SMS or in another way.
7. SMS service
Our SMS service informs you about the balance on your card, and if you have put in the incorrect PIN code. In your product provider’s net bank and app, you can find the PIN code, balance and a number of other services.
8. Stolen card
Add your phone number to the blocking service for your card before travelling. If an accident occurs and you either drop your card or have it stolen, call the blocking service as soon as possible. You should bring an additional card in back up when travelling, and never keep the card and PIN together.
9. Pay in local currency
When making a purchase in another country you are often asked whether to pay in local currency or not. Choose the local currency as it usually offers the best exchange rate.