Checklist for computer safety

Go through our checklist to ensure you are safe online.


  • Ensure that the operating system on your computer is updated automatically
  • Always say yes to updates of programs that you know, and that you have already installed on your computer
  • Install an anti-virus program
  • Ensure that you have a firewall
  • Think of what types of websites you visit and what you download, and never install unfamiliar programs

Passwords and login

  • Secure your computer with a password so that is locked to strangers
  • The password should contain at least eight characters in random order.
  • Use all types of characters in the passwords, capital and lower case letters, numbers and special signs.
  • Never chose a password that can be linked back to you, like names of children, pets or social security number.
  • Avoid often-used words like “summer” or “password”.
  • If logged in, always log out from a website when you are finished.
  • Do not leave your computer in your car or other places where it is easily stolen.