
Entercard is present in four Nordic cities.

For customer service please visit the relevant country’s customer service pages:

Our locations:

Entercard Group AB
SE-105 34 Stockholm
Visiting address: Klarabergsgatan 60
SE-111 21 Stockholm
Telephone: +46 8 737 1400
Fax: +46 8 20 57 49
Registration number: 556673 – 0585

Entercard Norge, filial av Entercard Group AB

Post box: 6783, St. Olavs plass, 0130 Oslo
Visiting address: Dronning Eufemias gate 6B
0191 Oslo
Telephone: +47 21 31 66 00
Fax: +47 21 31 66 01

Post box: 2170, NO-7412 Trondheim
Visiting address: Søndre gate 10B
7412 Trondheim
Telephone: +47 21 31 66 00
Fax: +47 73 89 7711

Entercard Danmark, filial af Entercard Group AB
Post box 89, 2770 Kastrup
Visiting address: Arne Jacobsens Allé 13, 3. L2
2300 København S
Telephone: +45 33 42 37 20 (re:member)
Telephone: +45 33 42 37 10 (PlusGuldkort)
Fax: +45 33 36 92 51

Media and press contact: (We only respond to requests from journalists)